1.5th Anniversary Event - Part 2
Event 1. 1.5th Anniversary Special Missions Part 2
Period: After the 9/6 maintenance - Until 9/23 (TBA in a separate notice)
- Complete all missions to receive the final reward!
Event 2. 1.5th Anniversary Fireworks Celebration Event
Period: After the 9/6 maintenance - Until 9/23 (TBA in a separate notice)
Donate Fireworks
Fireworks Workshop
Fireworks Material Location
Daily Tasks to acquire Supplementary Materials
Event 3. Memorial Battle Event Returns - The Moments We Remember Vol. 2
Period: After the 9/6 maintenance - Until 9/23 (TBA in a separate notice)
Rewards per Stage
*Replay some of the most memorable stages and acquire Diamonds!
*You can clear each stage once per day.
*All heroes set to the team will participate from the start of the battle.
*Each stage offers a chance to acquire Super Awakening Coins and Limit Break Materials when cleared!
Event 4. Fight Festival Victory & Points Boosting Event
Week 1: After the 9/6 maintenance - 9/13 11:59 PM (PDT)
Week 2: 9/14 12:00 AM - 9/21 11:59 PM (PDT)
*At the end of each week, your victory count will stop and only rewards whose requirements have been already met will be claimable.
☞ Rewards per Victory Count
*Acquire rewards based on your Fight Festival Victory counts from each week.
*Festival Points are increased by 50% when you win during the event period!
*All heroes set to the team will participate from the start of the battle.
*Each stage offers a chance to acquire Super Awakening Coins and Limit Break Materials when cleared!
Event 4. Fight Festival Victory & Points Boosting Event
Week 1: After the 9/6 maintenance - 9/13 11:59 PM (PDT)
Week 2: 9/14 12:00 AM - 9/21 11:59 PM (PDT)
*At the end of each week, your victory count will stop and only rewards whose requirements have been already met will be claimable.
☞ Rewards per Victory Count
*Acquire rewards based on your Fight Festival Victory counts from each week.
*Festival Points are increased by 50% when you win during the event period!
*The above screenshot is still in development and may appear differently in-game.
*You will benefit from this event boost in addition to the consecutive victory boost.
*The Festival Point Gain Increase will be applied up to Platinum in Normal/Elite matches.
Event 5. 1.5th Anniversary Boosting Events
Period: After the 9/6 maintenance - Until 9/23 (TBA in a separate notice)
Brawl Victory Box Upgrade (acquired from winning)
Previous: Brawl Victory Box
Upgraded: 1.5th Anniversary Special Victory Box
1.5th Anniversary Holy War Festival - Part. 2 [Dark Revenge Draw]
Period: After the 9/6 maintenance - Until 9/23 (TBA in a separate notice)
Loyalty Reward
*Get enough Loyalty Points to get an additional SSR hero.
*You can receive the rewards repeatedly.
SSR Hero Lineup
*Draw by using either Diamonds or 1.5th Anniversary Holy War Festival II Tickets
*Each ticket will provide 1 draw attempt (collect 10 tickets to draw 11 times).
[Ticket Locations]
1.5th Anniversary Special Mission - Part 2
Dark Revenge Ticket Bundles
*This chart displays the Basic Stats at UR Lv.60 and does not include Costume stats.
[Napping Reaper] Dual Swordsman Cusack Growth Event
Period: After the 9/6 maintenance - Until 9/23 (TBA in a separate notice)
New Costume Sets! Dual Swordsman Cusack Details
Dark Revenge Ticket Bundles
100% Death Match Rate Event
*100% increased Death Match Rate upon clearing a Boss Battle during the event period.
Patrol Dispatch Auto Clear Ticket x2
*2x Auto Clear Tickets from Patrol Dispatch during the event period.
Equipment Enhancement Discount Event
*50% discount on Enhance Stones and Gold when enhancing equipment during the event period.
*If the required Enhance Stones are an odd number, they will be rounded up.
*Equipment Salvage Super/Ultra Success Rate Increase
*100% increased Death Match Rate upon clearing a Boss Battle during the event period.
Patrol Dispatch Auto Clear Ticket x2
*2x Auto Clear Tickets from Patrol Dispatch during the event period.
Equipment Enhancement Discount Event
*50% discount on Enhance Stones and Gold when enhancing equipment during the event period.
*If the required Enhance Stones are an odd number, they will be rounded up.
*Equipment Salvage Super/Ultra Success Rate Increase